Why, What and How


We are at a tipping point. We are running out of time.

Billions of land animals and trillions of marine animals are killed every year, for food and gains of humans, causing unimaginable violence and misery to animals. It is having a huge impact on animals, environment, climate and earth.

In addition to taking away the freedom and the right of animals to live their life, this immeasurable, no-end-in-sight, extra large scale massacre is also damaging, forever, the only home we have - planet Earth. Farming of animals, breeding, slaughtering them for food, fishing and hunting wildlife are the main reasons for global warming, natural calamities, species extinction, pandemics and world hunger.

Food on our plates is the next nuclear bomb – but incorrectly labeled as meat or dairy. Is there way stop explosion of this nuclear bomb? What do we all need to do and what is the way forward?

It is time to discover the links between our planet, our plate and our palate. These are more tightly linked than we can ever imagine. It is time to stop the animal breeding and massacre. It is time to put animals & our planet before our palate. Because either we go vegan or we’re gone!

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a plant based diet" said Albert Einstein.


Veganism is not a sacrifice. It is a joy.

Veganism is NOT a diet. It is not just about food. Veganism is not only about you.

Veganism is about them. It is about every animal’s right to life. It is about stopping the exploitation of animals for our own selfish use.

Veganism is not a trend or fashion. Veganism is not a process of giving up what you like.

Veganism is about giving i.e. giving animals the life that they deserve. Veganism is also giving fellow humans their share of food and water. Veganism is giving a peaceful and compassionate world for everyone – animals & humans.

Veganism is a realization. It is an awakening. It is a deep understanding that other animals wish to live, just like we do and they have a right to do so. It is a realization that we do not have a right to take away the life of animals who do not want to die.

It is definitely a lot easier to stop consuming or using certain animal products than it is to get crammed in a cage, waiting to be slaughtered.

Veganism is not always done out of love for animals, rather it is an act of justice and an understanding that animals are individuals and they do not exist to be exploited by us.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.

If you really care about animals, then stop trying to figure out how to exploit them ‘compassionately’. Just stop exploiting them said Gary L. Francione, Professor of Law at Rutgers University School, Newark and an animal rights advocate.

Let us repeat. Veganism is NOT a diet. It is not about food. It is not a weight loss plan. It is not about finding alternatives for meat, fish, eggs, milk or dairy.

It is about finding ways to deliver justice to animals who cannot speak or stand up against human atrocities and annihilation.

It is about being the voice for the voiceless.

Veganism is the hardest thing to do if you look at it from your point of view. Veganism is the easiest thing to do if you look at it from the animals’ point of view.


We all can go vegan and it is easier than we think.

If you are vegan, you take care of 18 things listed below

      You respect the right of animals to live, just like how humans have the right to live. You stop exploiting animals. You understand animals have emotions, feelings and can feel pain just like you and I do. You follow a kind, compassionate and ahimsa way of life and living. You do not eat animals of any kind - be it chicken, fish, goats, pigs or cows. You do not eat eggs because hens are caged, crammed and exploited. You do not consume milk or dairy products since cow’s milk is for baby cows and cows are exploited in the process of obtaining milk. You do not consume products that contain dairy – Chocolates, ice-creams, paneer, butter, ghee or cheese. You live happily and healthily by eating plant-based food. You do not use leather or leather products because animals are murdered for obtaining leather. There has been so much scientific advancement in material science and it is a shame to depend on animal skins, the way we did in stone ages. You do not use silk. Approximately 3000 worms are killed (boiled alive at cocoon stage) to get one meter of silk thread. You do not use honey as honey bees need honey for their survival. We steal honey from them and honey bees are exploited. You use beauty products that are free from animal ingredients and those that are not tested on animals. You do not use woolen or fur materials. You do not encourage zoos or circuses since they use, captivate, cage and harm animals. They interfere in the freedom of animals. You discourage the use of animals for scientific experiments and medical testing. You say no to hunting, fishing, bullfighting, cockfighting and other entertainments that involve or use animals. You do not visit temples or places of religious worship where animals are sacrificed. You adopt and embrace a vegan way of living because it helps animals and also you to live peacefully.