If you line up all the animals slaughtered, in a year,
for food
in the United States alone,
how long, do you think, the line will come?
Enter Your Answer Kms
We are at a tipping point. We are running out of time.
Billions of land animals and trillions of marine animals are killed every year, for food and gains of humans, causing unimaginable violence and misery to animals. It is having a huge impact on animals, environment, climate and earth.
In addition to taking away the freedom and the right of animals to live their life, this immeasurable, no-end-in-sight, extra large scale massacre is also damaging, forever, the only home we have - planet Earth. Farming of animals, breeding, slaughtering them for food, fishing and hunting wildlife are the main reasons for global warming, natural calamities, species extinction, pandemics and world hunger.
Food on our plates is the next nuclear bomb – but incorrectly labeled as meat or dairy. Is there way stop explosion of this nuclear bomb? What do we all need to do and what is the way forward?
Learn More“A brilliant and a detailed overview of all things vegan. Plenty of food for thought for anyone curious about the vegan diet as well as practicing vegans. A must read.”
Seth Tibbott
Founder and Chairman of Tofurky USA & Author
Quite a thorough, detailed, and a comprehensive take on several aspects around Veganism. This book is for anyone and everyone, may it be a Non-vegetarian, or a Vegetarian, or even a Vegan - to get a better understanding of what Veganism is, how to take your first steps, and also several issues including ethics, sustainability, environment, health, fitness, and nutrition. The book is a one stop shop!
Kuntal Joisher Vegan Mountaineer who scaled Mt. Everest
"Anyone who wants to begin their vegan journey should read this little book to be fully aware and inspired about why the world can be vegan."
Dr Rupa Shah, MBBS, Publisher, Compassion India Magazine, Founder, Speaker & Author.
We do sessions with small group of people, school going kids and college students to educate them about veganism and ways to save the animals, people and the earth.
We plan to distribute Vegan or We’Are Gone as a part of this out reach. Your support will go a long way in taking the vegan concept and vegan way of living to more people.You can help from where-ever-you-are to support this education initiative.
You can donate 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 books which we will distribute to students and create awareness on Veganism and Compassionate way of living.
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